Ledmail is a small mail checking utility that utilises the keyboard leds (caps, num and scroll lock) to indicate when new mail has arrived. The leds are made to flash in an answerphone-like manner to indicate the number of new messages that are present in some mail servers. This can now check POP3 accounts or IMAP accounts. Very cool gear for your Model M keyboard.
ifled rocks like socks in box. Turns your Model M LEDS into a network traffic monitor. Even comes with a coolio Debian package!
Ledcontrol is a program that allows you to show different information on the normally-unused LEDs on your keyboard. You can configure it to show virtually any TRUE/FALSE condition accessible or indicate an arbitrary number. Included are several useful scripts. Check out this screenshot, now put on some techno and pump that love into your Model M! beaujolias!
NetLED uses the lights on any standard 101+ key keyboard, using any light you wish to signal packets of information being sent. This is particularly useful on firewalls or routers, and also useful if you wish to debug your network from a distance away from your console.
Ledsm (Leds Monitor), is a system monitor that uses the keyboard leds as a progress bar to show us the cpu load or the free memory. Specially useful with the cpu load option before compiling the linux kernel to see how our machine working hard. This versión only works in X-Windows if it was previously run in console. Debian package available!
morse2led flashes out morse code on the LED's. Really helpful if you're wrongfully jailed in the Phillipines and you need to decipher a WWII-era cipher without revealing the result through the tempest device in the cabinet you're forced to work on top of.
VuLEDS is a program that uses the indicator LEDs on the keyboard as a Vu (level) meter. When the music is loud, all three LEDs will be lit. When the music is soft, only one or no LEDs will be lit. VuLEDS must currently be run as root, but we're working on that. Right Arm! Have to mention its a plug-in for XMMS!
Kleds This tool hopefully supports users of keyboards without LED's, showing the state of the keyboard indicators (NumLock, CapsLock and ScrollLock) in the KDE-Panel. Yeah, this works if you Model M is limping and the LEDS are blown out.
ixbiff blinks the keyboard leds when new mail arrives. The keyboard leds used, depend on the daemon's configuration. For obvious reasons only three mailboxes can be checked. Currently ixbiff is Linux specific and requires root access. Ixbiff have support for both the standard UNIX mbox format and qmail's Maildir format.
iplogLED Ip Logger via your keyboard leds. It logs raw packet at the device driver (OSI Layer 2) level. It notifies ICMP, UDP, and TCP packets.
cpuLED is a program to let the keyboard LEDs indicate CPU load.
blinkd is a client/server pair, that lets the keyboard LEDs blink, indicating things like the number of incoming voice calls in the voice box or incoming faxes in the spool.
#!/bin/sh |
#thanks Timidu .. enjoy ;] |
tTTY=/dev/tty1 #prolly wanna change this |
$echo "Watch your modelm, cutie!" > $tTTY |
while /usr/bin/true |
do |
setleds +caps < $tTTY |
setleds +num < $tTTY |
setleds -caps < $tTTY |
setleds -num < $tTTY |
done |