Quitting Havenco
Well, if it weren't a day late and a dollar short in my completion of such tutorials at GTK and Glade, I behold thee HavenCo quittage application for your favority Linux Desktop.   In other words, this application is just as useful as GTKtrue.

Therapeutic though, how everybody is quitting and not quitting havenco.  This appy compliments Neale Pickett's web application, and spawned from its earlier predocessor, written in Gtk.

I hope you like it.  Pull my finger.

Screen shots 
The application in action:


HavenCo by HTTP 
havenco-0.1.tar.gz [Latest!]  
Not to be a prat or anything, but this tarball includes glade project files, the binary, and the source.  Needs some stuff, APT-GET until the errors go away.
To do
  • Build interface with Neale Pickett's web application
  • Change e_xit to q_uit without blowing up interface.c
  • Put cheesy cartoony icons on the application.
  • Eat glass